


1. My grandfather is over 80, but he is still in good health and stay _____.

A. safe B. warm C. awake D. active

2. Granny Li, lets help you to carry the heavy bag!


A. Im fine, thanksB. Its very kind of you

C. Sure, Id love toD. Im glad to hear that

3. Im really thankful for having a really good teacher ______ teaches me so well.

A. whoB. whoseC. whomD. which

4. Why not ______ your teacher for help when you can\'t finish ______ the story by yourself

A. to ask; write B. to ask; writingC. ask; writing D. asking; to write

5. The mobile phone has influenced peoples life a lot since it ______.

A. inventsB. inventedC. is inventedD. was invented

6. You should try to ______ the problems by yourself. Youre not a child any longer.

OK, mum.

A. get onB. get in



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