



  MUMBAI, India —The children in their party clothes on the stage were very excited when they received the award. And the two of them said, "It’s unbelievable!"

  Nine-year-old Rubina Ali, and Azharuddin Ismail, 10, were living a very different life and apparently loving every minute of it. The two, some of the child stars of the Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire (《贫民窟的百万富翁》)movie, know the Indian slums very well. That was where they grew up, and it is where they will return at the end of their Hollywood dream trip.

  But before going back home, there was an interview with the host, Ryan Seacrest. During the interview they smiled and repeated their disbelief at what was happening to them. To their surprise, their movie won the first place in the Oscars. When the two received the award, it was late morning in the children’s home city of Mumbai, where their family, friends and many fellow residents of the sl



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